And Then You Saved Me: Mutual Rescue™ Goes Beyond Saving Pets
By Humane Society Silicon Valley
Let’s be honest: we aren’t the only ones who do the rescuing around here.
Saving isn’t a one way street. For every animal that gets adopted, a person’s life gets changed by that animal. It can be as simple as having someone to come home to. But a lot of times, it goes a lot deeper than that.
Animal rescue ain’t just about animals. It’s about people, too.
Eric was morbidly obese, had completely withdrawn from the world and was told by his doctor that if something didn’t change, he should just buy a funeral plot because he wouldn’t make it another five years. A nutritionist told him to go to a shelter and adopt a dog. It would help him get exercise, she said.
Eric listened. He called Humane Society Silicon Valley and spoke to someone in adoptions. “I need a middle aged dog” he told our staff. “Preferably obese. So we have something in common”.
And something miraculous happened.
This is Eric’s story:
Humane Society Silicon Valley: Eric and Peety
For some reason people tend to divide the world into ‘animal’ issues and ‘people’ issues. As anyone who loves an animal knows, it’s not that easy. Our lives and our fates are intertwined. When you adopt an animal your life changes. Sometimes instead of us saving them, they save us.<div style=”position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0px;”><iframe src=”//″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”true” style=”position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%;”></iframe></div>
I’d like to say Eric and Peety’s story is unique but it’s not. It’s the person struggling with depression whose dog gives her a reason to get out of bed in the morning. It’s the older gentleman with Alzheimer’s who never forgets to light up when he sees his beloved cats. It’s universal and it touches at the very heart of what shelters across this country do every day. Every. Single. Day.
We at Humane Society Silicon Valley had this incredibly cool idea: what if we tell these stories? What if we change that conversation from ‘animals or people causes’ to ‘animals and people causes’? What if we collect stories of people whose lives were saved by their rescued pets and make the best ones in to short films?
We need your stories. Go to Submit your story. We’ll be accepting them through April 30th. We’ll take the best ones and the amazing folks that made Eric and Peety’s film will make films of those ones.