Everyone is asking us what the best way is to spend your time during this very powerful solar eclipse.

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Make this viral to everyone in the USA! Forward to friends, post on social media, notify people you know who have large mailing lists, and send to people with large viewing audiences!

Two events in 2024 will have the most impact on the future of the United States of America. One is the total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th, 2024. The other is the presidential election on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024.

The energy of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th presents the opportunity for a moment of decision for citizens of the United States, where people in the United States can decide what our future will be.

To take advantage of this powerful moment, there will be a 20-minute synchronized meditation taking place at the peak of the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th 2024, at 6:18 PM UTC. The intent of this meditation is to restore the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers and to usher in the new era of the Age of Aquarius.

Here are times for each of the US time zones: Honolulu at 8:18 AM, Anchorage at 10:18 AM, Los Angeles at 11:18 AM, Denver at 12:18 PM, Chicago at 1:18 PM, and New York at 2:18 PM.

While it is very important for as many people as possible in the United States to do this meditation, people in other countries may support this as well! See below for instructions for this meditation.


The Declaration of Independence, ratified on July 4th 1776, the US Constitution, ratified on June 21st 1788, and the Bill of Rights, ratified on December 15th 1791, are three documents that codified the sovereign rights of individuals and the rightful role of the new United States government in protecting those rights. These documents gave the United States independence from the British Crown – and gave the rights of self-determination and self-governance to the people of the United States.

Some of the most famous and influential sentences in the English language are from the Declaration of Independence, such as this:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

This passage came to represent a moral standard to which the United States should strive.


The Ascended Master Saint Germain amazingly appeared in the room when the 56 Signers gathered in Independence Hall in Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Independence on July 2nd 1776. There had been hesitation on the part of the 56 men in the room because they knew they would be hunted down for treason, however, Saint Germain gave them courage and encouraged them to sign it. The Declaration of Independence was ratified two days later on July 4th, 1776.

Saint Germain has been working since the 1700s to create the United States of America, destined to become “The New Atlantis,” a country that could lead the world and let each citizen connect with his or her own soul and higher self, as we strive individually and as a collective to create a utopian society of peace, cooperation, and understanding.

The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution with its Bill of Rights are the documents written to form the foundation of the return of Atlantis on Earth. You can read more about the interesting plan for The New Atlantis and the people behind it here:



Now, 248 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence and at a time in 2024 when Pluto is in the same position in Aquarius as it was at the birth of the United States 248 years earlier, the United States faces never-before-seen economic and moral decline. The United States is in danger of imploding.

The country is burdened with rampant inflation and debt, a decline in its educational and business enterprises, erosion of families and morals, worsening health, deteriorating cities, the influx of illegal immigration, declining standards in manufacturing, agriculture, education and governance, as well as decline in military power.

In addition, there is significant political corruption. Elected representatives of the United States are nearly all guilty of receiving bribes and are subject to blackmail. The members of Congress and the judicial arm of government silently ignore the US Constitution. Members of the United States Congress continue to vote to fund foreign war after foreign war.

With the meditation on Monday, April 8th, at the energetic peak of the total solar eclipse, and the presidential election seven months later, American citizens have two huge opportunities to wake up, turn the country around, and reclaim the sovereignty that is ours.

As stated earlier, it is important that as many people as possible do this meditation at the same time on April 8th for it to be the most beneficial. Scientific studies have confirmed the positive effects of mass meditations on human society, as discussed here:



Join the synchronized meditation as shown below and begin at the correct time in your time zone. You’ll feel the citizens of the United States sitting down with you. We can fix our country and, in fact, make it even better than before!


Here are the times to meditate in each of the US time zones. In Los Angeles: 11:18 AM; Denver: 12:18 PM; Chicago: 1:18 PM; New York: 2:18 PM. In Honolulu, it will be at 8:18 AM and in Anchorage at 10:18 AM. The path of totality spans more than one time zone, so be sure to meditate at the correct time for your location on April 8th.


This table shows the time of the meditation for various time zones:

You can add to the power of your meditation if you travel to a location along the “Path of Totality”, where the eclipse is 100% visible to those on the ground. The larger cities along the path of totality include San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas in Texas; Little Rock, Arkansas; Bloomington and Indianapolis in Indiana; Dayton and Cleveland in Ohio; Erie, Pennsylvania; Buffalo, Rochester, and Plattsburgh in New York. There are many places in between these cities, all along the 100% Path of Totality of the solar eclipse on April 8th.

Here is another map that shows the path of the totality:

Click on this link for the map:


If you click on the + sign on the map, you can zoom in to see smaller cities and highways, all along the way.


Here is the English promotional videos for the meditation on April 8th:

Here is a table of all promotional videos produced so far: LanguagePromotion WLMMYoutube playlisthttps://bit.ly/43fW3fWLanguagePromotion WLMMLanguagePromotion WLMMLanguagePromotion WLMM

English https://youtu.be/spswGBXKFXo
Arabic https://youtu.be/_jqRIvlzItk
Bengali https://youtu.be/jcKKH8OIeh8
Dutch https://youtu.be/CN2iyJ0OFas
Estonian https://youtu.be/tUWV5bkfhdU
Finnish https://youtu.be/5hOKtaR_HfM
French https://youtu.be/CN2iyJ0OFas
German https://youtu.be/lpyOtPvK1JU
Greek https://youtu.be/eLLV4SFcIgI
Hebrew https://youtu.be/nQSujewakf0
Hindi https://youtu.be/siOKAs2k4nI
Italian https://youtu.be/2TC11N6ftc8
Indonesian https://youtu.be/Kk92W6A3Xys
Japanese https://youtu.be/GAI9nzgkJp8
Latvian https://youtu.be/Ll-xFjtsL9c
Macedonian https://youtu.be/sxIr0pctwQ4
Odia https://youtu.be/-p-loQ-k3kI
Portuguese Brazil https://youtu.be/X6095K2K-z0
Romanian https://youtu.be/GvaTbPi5bRM
Russian https://youtu.be/EHbxxdhxrZQ
Slovak https://youtu.be/NjfuU5SGycA
Slovenian https://youtu.be/3_inY47TSv0
Spanish https://youtu.be/IMyYajCOWtU
Swedish https://youtu.be/1QpgaM05GaM
Telugu https://youtu.be/oLMlCgVBwJo

And here is a table of promotional videos created by other hosts:

LanguagePromotion other hostsHostLanguagePromotion other hostsHost

English https://youtu.be/EpWqyZOAgzY WeLoveGaia
English 2 https://youtu.be/ihrg1YWIO1A Szeretjük a Töme
English 3 https://youtu.be/hR9Nk2UohB8 BLUE龍
Chinese simplified https://youtu.be/adpeb22eUGs WeLoveGaia
Chinese traditional https://youtu.be/vgYAhULRw0M WeLoveGaia



Here is a list of all transcripts of the SotR Interview with Cobra:


English audio
English https://www.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/03/sisterhood-of-rose-interview-with-cobra-usa-solar-eclipse.html
English 2 https://www.sisterhoodoftherose.network/post/sisterhood-of-the-rose-interview-with-cobra-usa-solar-eclipse
Arabic https://al-intissar-lel-noor.blogspot.com/2024/04/blog-post_63.html
Chinese https://www.golden-ages.org/2024/03/31/753743754/
Finnish https://2012portalsuomi.blogspot.com/2024/03/sisterhood-of-rose-cobran-haastattelu.html
French https://victoiredelalumiere.blogspot.com/2024/03/interview-de-cobra-sur-leclipse-solaire.html
French 2 https://french.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/03/interview-de-cobra-et-sororite-de-la.html
French 3 https://revolutionvibratoire.fr/interview-sur-leclipse-solaire-des-etats-unis-par-la-sororite-de-la-rose/
French 4 https://2012portal-french.blogspot.com/2024/03/interview-de-cobra-par-la-sororite-de.html
French 5 https://fr.prepareforchange.net/2024/03/30/interview-de-cobra-et-sororite-de-la-rose-sur-leclipse-solaire-aux-etats-unis-mars-2024/
German https://german.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/03/interview-der-schwesternschaft-der-rose.html
Hebrew https://hebrewportal.blogspot.com/2024/03/cobra-8-2024.html
Indonesian https://spiritualspaceship.blogspot.com/2024/03/wawancara-cobra-oleh-sisterhood-of-rose.html
Italian https://italian.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/03/intervista-della-sorellanza-della-rosa.html
Japanese https://ameblo.jp/cobrameditation/entry-12846203434.html
Japanese 2 https://prepareforchange-japan.blogspot.com/2024/03/sisterhood-of-rose-interview-with-cobra-usa-solar-eclipse.html
Japanese 3 https://japanese-welovemassmeditation.blogspot.com/2024/03/sisterhood-of-rose-interview-with-cobra-usa-solar-eclipse.html
Polish https://meditation539.com/2024/03/30/portal-wywiad-siostrzenstwa-rozy-z-cobra-zacmienie-slonca-w-usa/
Portuguese https://portuguese-br.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/03/entrevista-da-irmandade-da-rosa-com-o.html
Romanian https://romanian.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/03/interviu-sisterhood-of-rose-cu-cobra.html
Russian https://russian.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/03/blog-post_30.html
Slovak https://slovenskyportalsvetla.blogspot.com/2024/03/rozhovor-sesterstva-ruze-s-kobrom-zatmenieUSA.html
Slovenian https://slovenian.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/03/intervju-sestrstva-vrtnice-s-cobro-o.html
Slovenian 2 https://sestrstvovrtnice.blogspot.com/2024/03/intervju-sestrstva-vrtnice-s-cobro-o.html
Spanish https://spanish.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/03/hermandad-de-la-rosa-entrevista-cobra.html




Here is the Facebook event for this meditation:


And here is a table of all guided audios produced so far, including Livestream and mp3 download links:

LanguageGuided audio WLMMGuided audio WLMM mp3Youtube playlisthttps://bit.ly/4aBMbjb-Livestream English April 8https://www.youtube.com/live/cXot1SZFdoI-Livestream French April 8https://www.youtube.com/live/njyoUmFII0c-LanguageGuided audio WLMMGuided audio WLMM mp3LanguageGuided audio WLMMGuided audio WLMM mp3LanguageGuided audio WLMMGuided audio WLMM mp3LanguageGuided audio WLMMGuided audio WLMM mp3

English https://youtu.be/UZd8PP0oMKI https://mega.nz/file/E3dBTTIS#s9KaiDe8CXeyxQn1dFhmhTKICQFOS78SxJ5Uc3a7JJM
English 2 https://youtu.be/226PYqVNaEY https://mega.nz/file/kqdjDCoQ#kJxNcLRgs2vpkL6ag4ka20nTsfUZNe52Z2MOC7TbeeU
Bengali https://youtu.be/1s6qFVAK57Q
Bulgarian https://youtu.be/WXJY21y5IMU https://mega.nz/file/lz90iSTS#dJEJiLfd92ufWOUmHAoOiZF1vO2PVC25vGljNe9eyEc
Chinese simplified https://youtu.be/FqBq5xMDBC0 https://mega.nz/file/orsQBLpQ#CZAyf6zBVjrlNrF14fTA-R-kVJ1s4byR1PJl0Vkcz5c
Chinese traditional https://youtu.be/e6xlTYWT8yw
Dutch https://youtu.be/3SugP76eLeI https://mega.nz/file/FmsSXIAL#IBAxAbQoL3ZbX-XjaJOxTAWwSbWguab7gjYahhiyurw
Estonian https://youtu.be/7sh9lafaQBQ https://mega.nz/file/giFGXJiS#mUsKH_19amhhZmU4Xw0gXL-BZ_6AkIVrPn-B-19fZz4
Finnish https://youtu.be/QCOrhafP2DU https://mega.nz/file/97cECbgS#8lAmAN6lHTmh5-qPjBm3_PjjNnGGEgOUqbqauHCBv9Q
French https://youtu.be/pY-TKOfTMog https://mega.nz/file/F793SbjS#eCFCAGqWwRlBvQ7thXmNsKduV3-MUepgLYrv13zQn84
French 2 https://youtu.be/UZ73dWvj-AM
French 3 https://youtu.be/FgJZESiCyLY
German https://youtu.be/jrjpQ2ifCww https://mega.nz/file/FrtkTIJA#6M1nWFSPpCeERQul8Xgy4tkClhtIHAA_SaUOmKz9duU
Greek https://youtu.be/bCeOlhdavYE
Gujarati https://youtu.be/uuYMulBmO08 https://mega.nz/file/MjklDJBS#cpwJTIkCzpIScAmIrpFP8ZLTgevWiYSAWfJ7iFGNXtQ
Hebrew https://youtu.be/FsOGRjmF-x4 https://mega.nz/file/wrcSzKSK#uB77nhmgXv5C-JXA2RUlTKt8ur3Og9080jYqQcniRRs
Hindi https://youtu.be/q5UGMARyshA https://mega.nz/file/d3NTgSJZ#AD4aAqdG50NehIW9kQjcOXcz5uJrH5BBvIaEgb6oNTc
Hungarian https://youtu.be/EZtp0sje3mw https://mega.nz/file/Iul1RKjT#uGnH-u4asgaEy1QrG2xQqlZ19vCDm2rLayE-s4ZFsxg
Indonesian https://youtu.be/16G-3aBQ2X8 https://mega.nz/file/cqcC2SDK#wlYAdPJ32lEG9-g6evQ_DnKR0QIn8U88jFqtE5yN9DQ
Italian https://youtu.be/eVJ7Cieoeos https://mega.nz/file/s2d00CCT#yt4uHY4SMTIxwYqtHpF50cLmk5WW_il5AI8s1s61xb8
Japanese https://youtu.be/aAsfdJfHvZQ https://mega.nz/file/gzUk0QrL#R5iyiiE5erM79JDfBq48yN3te7fo25wjXo3UCPYMED8
Latvian https://youtu.be/JF_uGASsKMg https://mega.nz/file/Iu0nnJIR#d3qK_AfTG1b_fT_GmfYAV56pnce1BBCcafHA_udt3aI
Persian https://youtu.be/zVCdyoyYlqw https://mega.nz/file/8r1iURCJ#vm4wdXVPD1Z6OuqIRWNVhCp8mUNhPNhW2a-vasD2O_M
Polish https://youtu.be/9tZGbTJrl_0 https://mega.nz/file/NuMkGYSI#uiUPz-zqeILKNIbeThaIrsP3N1lhLHFqEAqx2hJau1w
Portuguese Brazil https://youtu.be/oz_rckDsU60 https://mega.nz/file/s3l0WQCL#l38l62b8EElt__URiuS21o41gsgi2ayZtp8T3QIdcGs
Romanian https://youtu.be/urVQ-nn02lo https://mega.nz/file/MuMmgYaY#XJjFwoDSp2zsaFBG1iTUf1DMMzPpUGW9_0VX2OqGvvU
Russian https://youtu.be/SwmpYKrdVhI https://mega.nz/file/8qtmiSiS#49kjFgtb91rO5v0rErURNVgJdUaYA1iNkEDCww-IvwA
Slovak https://youtu.be/3pR34Vlfvqw https://mega.nz/file/cj9ljRhA#52wx_jgBg951EcDGZWRe-3QT_FfkL2_otPDZbL6PZAc
Slovenian https://youtu.be/UHA4Cnq5EeQ https://mega.nz/file/xq103JTB#0Ym1Hwoqargpk-oir7xgtwlwfoxVsobsNIiwMS6ANPE
Spanish https://youtu.be/BUP7Bi_XRhE https://mega.nz/file/92sCTAiB#IebpTnRuQZMNPJNdyLd0gj2QFICIWrc8w-qDT9k3BnM
Swedish https://youtu.be/Sem24sKPoO0 https://mega.nz/file/JjUCjaYB#_fvsVm5WTvvoJVvr7Nv8WVPjbZseaiQLXuwFLXqSDzk
Telugu https://youtu.be/XLUXzrnm8as https://mega.nz/file/lqNCnYLQ#99pL0nJTpFqiAzS-AsfA8Fq5pNl72RQyG9SSxj75ICE

This is a 20-minute meditation. Below are the steps for the meditation, which you can print out and follow.

  1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
  2. State your intent to use this meditation to restore the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers and to usher in the new era of the Age of Aquarius.
  3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.
  4. Visualize a pillar of sky-blue light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to the Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our galaxy, then going through Pluto in Aquarius; now visualize this light going through the solar eclipse, then through all beings on the surface and below the surface and also, through your body to the center of the Earth.
  5. Repeat the following declaration out loud three times to ask Saint Germain to assist in this transformation:

In the name of I AM that I AM of eternal light, I call upon Saint Germain.

Saint Germain, please fully restore and implement the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers, and lead the earth into a new era of The Age of Aquarius.

In the name of I AM that I AM of eternal light, I call upon Saint Germain.

Saint Germain, please fully restore and implement the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers, and lead the earth into a new era of The Age of Aquarius.

In the name of I AM that I AM of eternal light, I call upon Saint Germain.

Saint Germain, please fully restore and implement the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers, and lead the earth into a new era of The Age of Aquarius.

  1. Now visualize the Violet Flame transmuting all darkness in America until only Light remains. Visualize the Violet Flame passing onward and blanketing the entire planet transmuting all darkness on earth.
  2. Visualize full disclosure of the global cabal and extraterrestrial life in the mass media.
  3. Visualize the Constitution of the United States of America fully implemented.
  4. Now visualize a new, grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.


Our Booster meditation will serve as a tool to help us reaching the critical mass of 30,000 people from the United States on April 8th, and it will happen at the moment of the penumbral lunar eclipse on March 24th/25th


The exact time of the meditation will be at 7:13 AM UTC on March 25th, and the time for your time zone is posted here:


This table shows the time of the booster meditation for various time zones:

Here is the link to the Facebook event for the Booster meditation:


Here is a table of all guided audios for the booster meditation produced so far, including the link to the English broadcast.

LanguageGuided audio WLMMYoutube playlisthttps://bit.ly/495TEWdEnglish Broadcast March 25https://youtu.be/2oQrZ3s7I1sLanguageGuided audio WLMMLanguageGuided audio WLMMLanguageGuided audio WLMM

English https://youtu.be/u5kLoPdB42U
Bulgarian https://youtu.be/WRM5MyJybo4
Chinese https://youtu.be/r2eP0-mqPwU
Dutch https://youtu.be/w8j6f6tBv00
Estonian https://youtu.be/ZIKQQumHYE0
Finnish https://youtu.be/Z7I5908Xy3o
French https://youtu.be/QbIrIO4N4uI
French 2 https://youtu.be/4h03u5hxB_A
German https://youtu.be/-8lmzX17iOU
Hebrew https://youtu.be/MHHcmAXQ9zM
Hungarian https://youtu.be/cqIQbTyWtvk
Hindi https://youtu.be/1v5-uA-bKvY
Italian https://youtu.be/GUHbP0IIq2c
Japanese https://youtu.be/Pul5lAw_euA
Latvian https://youtu.be/DoiLuEItMzA
Portuguese Brazil https://youtu.be/-2YJbmak0YY
Romanian https://youtu.be/hO3mrRo4Qks
Russian https://youtu.be/kv7WeVJOfbk
Slovak https://youtu.be/qxFtnjVM1so
Slovenian https://youtu.be/nE-A38CzacM
Spanish https://youtu.be/8haKfTgesPU
Swedish https://youtu.be/xRz4j3fj0NI
Telugu https://youtu.be/njLpiYOhF0o

Instructions for the booster meditation:

  1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to reach the critical mass of 30,000 people from the United States meditating at the moment of the Solar Eclipse.3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.4. Visualize a pillar of sky-blue light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our galaxy, then going through Pluto in Aquarius; now visualize this light going through the lunar eclipse, then through all beings on the planetary surface and below the surface and also, through your body to the center of the Earth.5. Visualize this light activating Soul star chakras of millions upon millions of people, presenting them with the possibility of joining the Solar Eclipse meditation. Visualize those who feel so guided actually participating, their number far exceeding the critical mass, and the activation itself having a massive positive healing effect for everyone in the United States, restoring the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers and ushering in the new era of the Age of Aquarius.

A Telegram Channel and Chat Group “Eclipse USA” has been created for those who would like to join:

Eclipse USA Telegram Channel: https://t.me/+8U9K3mf1grg2ZWI5

Eclipse USA Chat Group: https://t.me/+hhfrLQ0ZG5k2ZjEx

Victory of the Light!


About this blog:

We Love Mass Meditation organizes Mass Meditations aiming to help achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.


Please join any of the meditations below if you feel so guided.

Meditation for the United States Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th 2024 at 6:18 PM UTC


Urgent meditation for peace in Israel every 4 hours



Urgent meditation for peace between Russia and NATO every 4 hours




Daily meditation for healing the Los Angeles vortex at 7:45 PM UTC




Daily meditation for healing the Ljubljana vortex at 6:45 PM UTC



Urgent meditation for liberating all hostages from underground bases




Meditation for Taiwan every 4 hours



Meditation for Afghanistan every 4 hours




Flower of Life Meditation, 12 PM UTC and every 4 hours, also at any time and as often as possible


Meditation to counteract medical tyranny daily at 9:30 PM UTC



Ascension Timeline Meditation on Sunday at 3 PM UT


Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC


Goddess Vortex Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC



Buddhic Columns Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC



Cosmic Central Race Meditation at 3:45 PM UTC


We also organize different mass meditations regularly for various purposes. They can be found in this link below:


Donation to We Love Mass Meditation Fund

We Love Mass Meditation Fund provides emergency financial support to Lightworkers around the world. Please feel free to make a regular or one-off contribution using the link below:


Please assist/support us for a smooth transition in planetary liberation in the highest Light.

We Love Mass Meditation Healing Group

You are welcome to join our healing group to request healing from healers around the world, we are also looking for qualified healers to join this group to help people in need

