Chelsea Green Publishing is as good as it gets when it comes to the publication of books that impart practical knowledge about living off the land and how to thrive on the Earth.
There is no better time than right now to start your own back yard garden or practicing permaculture.
The many great books found at the Chelsea Green website will provide all the necessary information and instruction on how to do just about anything you want with your back yard, or front yard.
Radiant Living invites everyone to visit the Chelsea Green Publishing platform at their leisure. What follows is an excellent description of their great “Mission and History” direct from their website:
Founded in 1984, Chelsea Green Publishing is recognized as a leading publisher of books on the politics and practice of sustainable living, publishing authors who bring in-depth, practical knowledge to life, and give readers hands-on information related to organic farming and gardening, permaculture, ecology, the environment, simple living, food, sustainable business and economics, green building, and more.
In 2012, Chelsea Green became an employee-owned company, creating an ESOP in which employees control 78 percent of the company’s privately-held stock. The remaining stock is held by the founders. This move was made to, in part, practice what we publish. In addition, the long-term goal of converting the ownership to an ESOP is aimed at keeping Chelsea Green an independent publisher, keeping its roots firmly planted in Vermont, and ensuring that the publishing vision started in 1984 lives far into the future.
We have more than 350 titles in print, our best-selling titles include:
The Art of Fermentation. This was our fourth New York Times Bestseller and our first James Beard Foundation Book Award winner (for Reference and Scholarship). With a foreword by Michael Pollan, this book is the most comprehensive and definitive guide to fermentation. By the end of 2014, less than two years after it was published, The Art of Fermentation had sold more than 100,000 copies worldwide. Another perennial bestseller is Katz’s first book, Wild Fermentation, which is often pointed to as the book that fomented the fermentation revival.
Don’t Think of an Elephant. George Lakoff’s definitive handbook for progressives to understand and communicate effectively about key political issues started the national discussion on framing the political debate. More than 200,000 copies printed in six months, and more than 300,000 sold since its first printing. It remains a fundamental book on political messaging, and how to best communicate one’s message in a positive way.
The End of America, Naomi Wolf’s gut-wrenching patriotic call to action. This New York Times Bestseller urges every American to recognize the fragility of freedom. Wolf catalogs the ten steps that governments have historically followed when shutting down an open society such as our own.
The Man Who Planted Trees, an ecological fable that has sold more than 300,000 copies in 18 years, setting a standard for quality of writing, beauty of design and illustration, creative publishing and inspirational message;
The Straw Bale House, a revolutionary building book that has sold more than 150,000 copies, launching the company’s natural building and renewable energy list and helping establish our recognized leadership in this field;
Eliot Coleman’s The Four-Season Harvest and The New Organic Grower are landmark books in sustainable agriculture and organic food, as his newer book The Winter Harvest Handbook, a popular DVD, and foreign-language editions continue to demonstrate his influence on farmers around the world; and,
A number of inspirational non-fiction trade titles, including Gaviotas, This Organic Life, Believing Cassandra and A Cafecito Story.
Chelsea Green titles have received numerous awards, including ALA and Booklist Notable Books of the Year, the John Burroughs Medal, James Beard Award finalist, Garden Globe Award, and Foreword Reviews Books of the Year, as well as numerous Nautilus Book Awards and awards from the American Horticultural Society.
In 2012, Foreword Reviews named Chelsea Green its Independent Publisher of the Year for our “significant contributions in the categories of politics and sustainable living.”
Our Mission, Vision, and Approach
Founded in 1984, Chelsea Green Publishing is regarded as a leading publisher of books on sustainable living. In 2006, we updated our company’s vision, purpose, and approach to continue to inspire staff, authors, shareholders and business partners:
Chelsea Green sees publishing as a tool for effecting cultural change. Our purpose is to reverse the destruction of the natural world by challenging the beliefs and practices that are enabling this destruction and by providing inspirational and practical alternatives that promote sustainable living.
We seek to promote better understanding of natural systems as a global commons. We seek to empower citizens to participate in reclaiming the commons, to serve as its effective stewards, and to help mitigate worldwide social and environmental disruptions.
We seek to build a community of new voices that will empower and inspire individuals to reduce their ecological impact and to participate in the restoration of healthy local communities, bioregional ecosystems, and a diversity of cultures.
We accomplish this by publishing for the practice and politics of sustainability. We provide information about green building, organic growing, and renewable energy, while also providing information about democratic citizenship, political action, and cultural resistance and rebirth.
We are determined to remain an independent publisher, and to function as a sustainable business. This comprises responsible stewardship of our four types of capital, as follows:
Intellectual capital – cultivate collaborative, respectful relationships with authors and readers to share and grow a body of practical and political knowledge.
Social capital – increase our employees’ satisfaction, contribution, and reward through shared ownership; build existing and new readers’ commitment to our mission through web-based and other social networking.
Natural capital – reduce the ecological footprint of our publishing by using recycled paper and reducing transportation-related energy consumption.
Financial capital – structure the business to provide a return on shareholders’ capital and maintain independence through a capital investment strategy that can be financed internally.
Meet our employee owners and the mission of Chelsea Green in their own words.
Continue reading more at the Chelsea Green website at: You’ll be glad you did as you never know when such knowledge will come in handy in the future.
Radiant Living
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