by Tyla Gabriel, ND
Are you ready to start being the master of your bowels and getting your life back to normal? As a naturopathic doctor, I see that most client symptoms begin and end in their gut. This is why I created this very easy to use on-line brochure to walk you through the process of getting control of your bowels.
It is not normal to be constipated or irregular. It is not normal to have to run off to the bathroom at inconvenient times of the day. Gastric distress should not be the center of your life.
I apologize for having to send you to a page outside of this website, but you will find the brochure fun and informative. And when you are ready to go to the next lesson on Life without Irritable Bowel Syndrome, you can link to it from this page as well.
These lessons are part of our ASCEND series that help spiritual aspirants achieve optimum balance of each chakra so that they can achieve optimum spiritual harmony. We call the program Ascension Sacraments of the Cosmic and Earthly Nutrition Diet. But you do not have to be a spiritual initiate to raise your bowel consciousness.
As long as you eat, you must poop….and you must do so regularly—at least once a day. If you aren’t, then these lessons were meant for you to read.
Lesson 1: Raise Your Bowel Consciousness
Lesson 2: Life without Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Tyla Gabriel, ND