Elemental Healing Techniques

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Five Elements with Breath

Submitted by Carol Ray

Precede with Marmaas for focus (forehead), concentration(head squeeze) and being present (above the lip).

All living matter contains 5 elements; certain breath patterns relate to each element.

Dosha Constitution:

Vata: Ether, Air (Movement, mobility)

Pitta: Fire, Water (Transformation)

Kapha: Water, Earth (Stability)

In Ayurveda: Optional Health requires a balance of the 3 doshas through breath, diet, and lifestyle.

30 Breaths for Daily Practice

We imagine ourselves as a tree, drawing earth and water in through the roots, fire and wind/air through our leaves, and space/ether through our entire body.

These elements support our mind, energy, and body for our well-being and peace of mind. This sequence is good for energizing in the morning or refreshing in the evening.

Do each of these 6 times:

  • Earth: Inhale nose, exhale nose. Qualities: root charka, grounding, nurturing, solidity. …

Remember- we are EARTH!

Ground…..Give……..Build …… Heal

  • Water: Inhale nose, exhale mouth. Qualities: sacral chakra, fluidity, purifying, joy, giving life. …

Remember- we are WATER!

Cry…….cleanse……flow…….. let go…

  • Fire: Inhale mouth, exhale nose. Qualities: Solar plexus chakra, enthusiasm, transmutation. …

Remember- we are FIRE!

Burn…… Tame……Adapt…….Ignite

  • Air: Inhale and exhale mouth. …Qualities: heart chakra and sense of touch

Remember- we are AIR!



  • Ether: Very fine breath inhaling and exhaling through the nose. Qualities: throat chakra, purification, space

Remember- we are ETHER!

Wait….. pause……express…… purify

Advanced Version with Mudras

Earth/Prithi (root chakra):

Remember- we are SPIRIT!

Connect…..Listen…….Be Still……. Know

Consider your vibration and what elevates it and what diminishes it; be mindful of that which resides in the air and ether but cannot be seen without electronics. ❤️✨🙏🏼

The index finger represents the element of Air-  🌬️ to reduce Vata, it gets folded down or curled.

The Pinkie invokes Water 💦- fluidity, cleansing, flowing, letting go. To extend the Pinkie invokes Water.

If you have edema, water retention, don’t do the Pinkie extension! If you are Vata,  dry and crusty, 😁, try it.

The thumb is the element of Fire 🔥 – igniting, taming, adapting.

Our water needs fire so it’s not being ice! But not too much. Our Water and Fire need Earth (ring finger) for grounding, healing and Space/Ether (middle finger).

Of course we need Air (Index finger) but our scattered mind and mobile life style often generates too much: excess Vata. 🙏🏼✨🥰❣️

May you be Happy; May you be Free, May you be at Peace.